New Integrated DNA Purification and Post – PCR Technology; Specific a la carte accessories for touch, Fingerprint, Adhesive and LCM Kits.
No DNA Left behind: 80 % recovery vs 80 % loss, use more DNA in your PCR, removes inhibiting powders and dyes, simple recovery of adhesive trapped evidence- in situ JJ chamber digestion or swab collection
Find sperm with HY-LITER Pi get full profile from less than 20 cells!

#7001 DNA Rescue Kit:
Touch DNA:
Evidence: handled objects, tools, firearms, unfired rounds, zipper pulls, IEDs, anything with no evident body fluid stains
– pre-PCR:
20 x purification columns ProK, collection lysis
buffer, spin baskets, collection tubes
Amplicon RX, 20 columns, binding buffer

#7002 DNA Rescue Kit:
Fingerprint DNA:
Evidence: latent prints identified with powders,
dyes, fuming (not lifted) deposition or vacuum
– pre-PCR:
20 x purification columns ProK, collection lysis
buffer, spin baskets, collection tubes
Amplicon RX, 20 columns, binding buffer

#7003 DNA Rescue Kit:
Adhesive DNA:
Evidence: duct tape, electrical tape, postage stamps, sticky tape, lifts
– pre-PCR:
20 x purification columns ProK, collection lysis buffer, spin baskets, collection tubes, taming material (optional JJ chamber)
Amplicon RX, 20 columns, binding buffer

#7004 DNA Rescue Kit:
Evidence: dissected or isolated cells from sexual
assault evidence- sperm or epithelial cells stained with Sperm HY-LITER, Zeiss PALM, MMI or Aureka
– pre-PCR:
20 x purification columns ProK, collection lysis buffer, spin baskets, collection tubes
Amplicon RX, 20 columns, binding buffer
One Touch – Quicklinks
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- One-Touch Documentation